Escape velocity is the speed an object must achieve to leave the gravity and atmosphere of a planet. The gravitational pull of the third rock from the sun and our generous blanket of atmosphere dictates a breath-taking velocity of nearly 25-thousand miles per hour to reach into space. That is a speed of seven miles per second. Once into space, new heights and speeds are much easier to reach because nothing is holding the ship back. North Second Street has hovered somewhere around 80 per morning worship service for two years. May God grant us the wisdom, leadership, joyful spirit, and willingness to work as a team to break through in 2025.
Sunday Morning Attendance Contribution (Budget)
2020 40.6 $2444 (2450)
2021 50.3 $2842 (2450)
2022 65.0 $2906 (2625)
2023 78.4 $3209 (2625)
2024 80.2 $3918 (2846)
Our current auditorium has a practical capacity of around 90. For the first six months of this year, we averaged 85 on Sunday mornings. We may have bumped up against our exit velocity and slowed for a moment. Will the church of our Lord take off in 2025? The final answer belongs to every individual and family here.
For the past year, our elders have been working with builders, architects, bankers, and city officials to prepare an expansion project at our current location. David Brown and David Muiznieks expect to deliver plans, a budget, and a timeline for building an assembly hall capable of housing a congregation twice the current size of the church of God at North Second Street. May God bless us with the capability and spirit to build. Like Israel in the book of Nehemiah, let us have, “a mind to work.”-4:6 and hands strengthened “for the good work.”-2:18.
We now have a half-dozen shepherds and servants. Along with our elders and original deacons Scott Ford and Jim Lahue; we have added two additional workers. Tom Cunningham in March and Lord willing, Alva Waelde is being added today. Praise God for willing and capable servants.
Our congregation has traditionally been in constant flux. That seems to have slowed quite a bit. Here are our additions and subtractions for the year. We welcomed three babies to our family: Truman and Autumn Brown welcomed Crew, Jazmine (Shane) Babb brought us Henry Callan, and Lyndsey (Josh) Scott gave birth to Mailynn. On deck for 2025: Austin and Jenna Kerr, Jerri and Alva Waelde, and Kacy and Matt Rabbitt are expecting. Thank you Lord!
Colton Miller and Sam Lavacot were baptized for the forgiveness of their sins. Ben Osborne rededicated himself to Christ and then joined his earthly family (Easten, Lincoln, Ford, and Grant) to our spiritual one. Geri Baze, Jeffery Bishop, Tammy Dorsey, Niki Faulk, and Robert Gentry all placed membership with us. Brother Gentry has since experienced medical issues and is with family in Kentucky. We have a few that walk with us no more. The Kevin Griffys, and Greg and Casey Bennett are worshipping elsewhere. While the Marcus Griffys are still with us and we are grateful.
Laurie Ford’s mom, Delores Pope, and Gwen Griffy’s mom, Barbara Rodenhaber, passed away in 2023. Two other extended family members added to through matrimony. Bobby and Sarah Brown became part of the Mitch and Kim Brown brood. While Andrew and Holly Merritt were married into the Tom and Mandy Cunningham family.
In addition to all the above, we welcomed Wiley Deason and Bubba Garner to the lectern for gospel meetings in the spring and fall. Plus, we organized another well-received VBS in June.
We are blessed with all spiritual blessings in Christ and with the Christians with which we meet at North Second Street. Strive in your prayers for success in building a new place for the saints to meet in Clarksville. Let’s keep the momentum going and accelerate the growth of Christ’s church. If the Lord wills, we will escape our charming but limited facility and find ourselves welcoming newcomers with space. To God be all glory.
** Scott Ford is scheduled to present our year-end financial report next Sunday. The attendance and weekly contribution are reflected in this article. Our year-end articles are published before the last Sunday of the year. This article is updated to include the entire year.
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