Praise God for his blessings! We are the fruit of his increase at North Second Street. May the light of God’s love for us shine wherever we go.
Year Attendance Giving (budget)
Jan-June 2019 56 $2524 (2268)
Jan-June 2020 46 $2397 (2450)
Jan-June 2021 47 $2891 (2450)
Jan-June 2022 65 $2831 (2625)
Jan-June 2023 80 $3650 (2625)
I stared at my computer for quite a while in an attempt to explain the numbers just above this sentence. There are thoughts running through my head but, in the moment, it is difficult to know what God has in mind. There is no doubt, we have been given workers and resources for a purpose. In ten or twenty years, will we have used those gifts to: build on the foundation of Jesus Christ, survive a storm we do not yet see, or will Satan have turned us against each other and a pile of smoldering embers be the only evidence of our joy at this glorious harvest. May God guide us to meet this moment with sobriety, faith, and love.
At this point, you may be thinking, “Lighten up Francis! This is a time for praise and optimism.” I agree whole-heartedly! May we see with spiritual lenses. God has not blessed us to be a barren tree. I assure you Satan has observed the Lord’s servants and will attack this congregation. May we lay aside: sin, selfishness, envy, bitterness, and self-seeking. May we pick up forgiveness, virtue, knowledge, love, joy, peace, and “the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one;”-Ephesians 6:17. The Lord’s spiritual weapons will never fail the Christian who has learned to rightly handle (II Timothy 2:15) the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-20).
There is much for which we are grateful. Our cup runneth over with young people, growing families, and babes in Christ. Jonas Price, Cheyenne “Chey” Davidson, Hadley Griffy, Jasmine Babb, and Casey Bennett put on Christ in baptism in the first half of this year. Rosalie May, Everleigh Anne, Margot Olivia, and Ford Ryson were born to the Teitloff, Waelde, (Mitch Jr.) Brown, and Shepherd families respectively. While the Crouch and Rabbitt families are still expecting! The Teitloffs (Jason & Maggie), Trevor Melvin, Colton Miller, and the Bennetts (Greg & Casey) all placed membership with us. Trevor recently moved to Indiana. To top it all off, Truman and Autumn Brown were married just last weekend.
Our average of 80-per Sunday has brought us to near capacity for our current auditorium and a weekly contribution that is $1000 over budget with which to add room.
Our elders are pursuing a remedy. The most cost-effective route would be to build at our current location. A survey team was here Thursday. Their work will help us determine the feasibility of an on-site solution. At that point, the elders will present the congregation with a range of projects, costs, and benefits.
The power of the gospel is at work at North Second Street. The message of God’s love, the gift of his Son on the cross, and the resurrection of Jesus, convicts the hearts of unbelievers and teaches the faithful to abandon the world and seek godliness. May God grant us grace and peace in 2023 and until the Lord comes.
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