Increasing in knowledge is not increasing in faith. I ran across this phrase (at least something similar) on social media this week. It is kinda true and sorta false all at the same time! But we should not miss the point. People can align too easily at the poles instead of the equator. At one
God’s book begins with a miracle: “And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light.”-Genesis 1:3. The mighty works of God litter the pages of the Old and New Testaments: The plagues on Egypt (Exodus 7-12), the Red Sea (Exodus 14), Joseph (Genesis 41) and Daniel (Daniel 2) were given power to interpret
The title of this article is a quote that has been credited to various men over time. Augustine, Peter Meiderlin, and Marco Antonio de Dominis have all had their names attached to this famous saying. The first time most of us heard this quote, it seemed like a grand way to settle all issues in
Have you ever had one of those weeks where nothing goes right. It is not that anything overwhelming happened, but every other step I took seemed to be in a mud puddle. It reminded me of one of the most famous episodes of The Simpsons, and it involves Sideshow Bob. What? You’ve never heard of
Written language can be difficult to understand. Take a look at the title of this article. I would imagine a few of you know exactly what those words mean. If not, forgive me if I leave you in suspense for a bit. Have you ever stumbled upon someone with a different interpretation of a Bible
Just over 24-months ago, the people of God who meet at North Second Street ordained elders to serve and lead the congregation. David Brown and David Muiznieks have been feeding, tending, and guiding the flock as true shepherds and we are being blessed because of our submission to the will of God through Jesus the
B.J. Justice called me a few weeks ago (*see footnote) and relayed a quote he heard on the radio. The speaker was giving a lesson when he said we “worship work, work at play, and play at worship.” I think that is a pretty telling statement. It’s easy to get our priorities out of order.