[Editor’s note: This was published prior to 2021. It is republished here so it can be accessed.-JS] Have you ever been frustrated by your friends or relatives when discussing Bible issues because they hold so strongly to their “faith only” position on salvation? Have you ever wondered how someone can insist their deceased friend is
As a student of the Bible, I have found it is better for me to study the word of God within a narrative framework. In my twenties, I was very serious about learning the truth of Scripture and would study constantly. Over time, I found it difficult to remember all the “proof texts” I felt
This Lord’s day, the planned sermons deal with crucifixion in the morning and resurrection in the evening. It seemed more than appropriate to look at the middle of that doctrinal sandwich. Between death and the second coming, some form of our being remains conscious and alive. Jesus points to the words of God to Moses
In Matthew chapter seven, Jesus teaches us things have relative importance in our lives. A speck of dust is not as large as a log. In his teaching, Jesus tells us we must remove both. But certainly we all agree the log will take the most work. Is it a big deal if you have
We are nine months into the year of our Lord 2024. How many of us started the year with a plan and a commitment to read the Bible through in a year? How is that going? I would gladly confess at this point that I have not succeeded either. But after several attempts at it
In the gospel of Matthew, Jesus is baptized by John and tempted by Satan before he begins his teaching ministry. Our Lord spoke with the authority only the Son of God could wield. It is interesting to note, the first two commands he delivers are, “repent” and “follow me.”-Matthew 4:17-19. (The same commands are repeated