What do you do if you are a Christian and find yourself 250-miles above the earth on the first day of the week? You remember the body and blood of Jesus and declare the death of your Savior and Lord (I Corinthians 11:23-26)! That is what astronaut Victor Glover is doing on the International Space
“As you do not know the way the spirit comes to the bones in the womb of a woman with child, so you do not know the work of God who makes everything.”-Ecclesiastes 11:5 Americans celebrate an annual holiday of Thanksgiving on the final Thursday of November. Early European settlers gathered to thank God
I was reading my monthly edition of Pressing On1 magazine this week and realized every congregation is handling the coronavirus pandemic very differently. The theme of this month’s publication is, Corona Virus – Now What? It contained several articles detailing the many changes and hardships associated with this year and how local churches are coping.
Editor’s note: I am screaming as I write this. Forgive me if it goes astray.-JS She was twenty-years younger than me. She could have been my daughter. I preached her funeral Thursday. There are still tears in my eyes. What a beautiful child. Not perfect but a Christian. She was raised in the church and
The scientific prophets of our age paint a very troubling picture of the next five months. The novel coronavirus has already infected nine-million people in the United States and killed 230-thousand since March of 2020. With winter coming, combined with a regular increase in seasonal flu cases, current projections put this country’s death toll between
In 1986, Antonin Scalia smoked a pipe during his confirmation hearings to become a justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. What society considers an acceptable indoor fire container isn’t the only thing to change over the last four decades. During this week’s questioning of Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett, much has
Buzz Aldrin was famously the second man to ever step foot on the moon. Aldrin is also known for this quote from his book No Dream Is Too High, “Choose your heroes wisely, and be careful who you idolize. Why? Simple: you will become like the people with whom you most often associate.” The news
“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”-Micah 6:8 Welcome to the kingdom of heaven, the body of Christ, the flock of God. Your baptism marks the moment you died to
Faith And Worship Basics Quiz To print a copy of this quiz, click here:In Class Activity Sept 2020 What Scripture(s) would you use to teach someone they need to be immersed as a believer to be saved? What Scripture(s) would you use to teach someone that Christians should observe the Lord’s
Perhaps no other group of Christians is as concerned with the date of Christ’s birth, resurrection, and ascension, as churches dedicated to restoring the faith, worship, and practice of the New Testament. An unknowable number of tracts, sermons, and Bible studies have focused on doing away with every tradition of man that has been added