Our Bible classes at North Second Street are purpose-driven. First and foremost, they are intended to develop the Christian discipline of regular Bible reading combined with teaching and discussion. What we study is given direction by our desire to cover the entire Bible. It is quite an undertaking but we are closing in on our goal.
This is year-four of a plan put in place at the beginning of 2017. By the end of this year, we will have nearly completed all 66-books of God’s living word. We will have covered every book of the New Testament with the exception of Colossians, I & II Timothy, and Titus. It would be nearly impossible to cover every chapter in the Old Testament during a four-year period (simultaneously with the NT). What we have done is cover selected readings that touch on the important themes of God’s will for his people. This quarter is a great example.
Our Wednesday night study will cover, Sinai To Canaan. There are 117 chapters between Exodus chapter 20 and the last words of Deuteronomy. So, how do you cover that much material in 13-lessons? First, remember our Bible-class curriculum is not a fence around your Bible not is it designed to supply the entirety of your personal Bible reading. In the next three months, dedicate yourself to reading the material we don’t cover. It will take you through every verse of law, sacrifice, feast, and priestly service in the Law of Moses. What a blessing!
What we are scheduled to cover is exciting and designed to introduce newer Christians to the great narrative of the LORD’s dealings with his chosen people, the nation of Israel. We will read about: the golden calf, the blueprint for the ark of the covenant, Moses’ sin of arrogance and disobedience, manna and quail, the 12-spies, and the purpose for the 40-year wandering. If you aren’t familiar with these scenes from the Old Testament, you will be. And the seasoned Bible student will have the chance to sharpen their sword on God’s word.
We have dedicated our second-quarter, Sunday morning studies to topical issues. Beginning this morning, we are examining Fast Facts About False Teaching written by Wilson Adams. Have you ever wondered about Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists, or Scientologists? What about Muslims, Hindus, or Buddhists? We will examine all of these groups and why they continue to appeal to people today. The final lesson in this book is of particular relevance. What is the allure of the modern mega-church? Our young people are especially susceptible to the siren song of cheap, faith-only grace combined with earthly entertainment. Don’t miss these lessons!
This marks the third week of assembling together online. How are you holding up? I can not wait for the day we meet together face to face! It takes a little extra discipline to maintain our regular routine of worship and Bible study. Make a vow before God to wake up, get dressed, and join the church at 9:00 and 10:AM on Sundays. Set an alarm on Wednesdays at 7:PM and let’s study the inspired Scriptures together!
Will it take extra effort? Yes. Is there a temptation to say, “I’ll let it slide. It’s just online. No one will know if I miss.” For some. That’s why a vow is important and helpful (Ecclesiastes 5:4-5). We can do it together. Let’s get excited to learn about the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!
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