(Worship & Study Via Livestream)
As of March 19, 2020, there are four cases of COVID-19 in Montgomery and adjacent counties. In response, the North Second Street Church of Christ is temporarily transitioning to livestream meetings out of concern for the health of our community and respect for federal guidelines. There will be no congregational services at the building until the restriction on groups larger than ten is lifted.
Now, the question is, “How do we move forward as a body?” Allow me to deal with the basics and then some elaboration will follow.
- Don’t change your normal church routine. Just because we are not meeting at the building does not mean we cannot assemble.
- Assemblies will be held on Facebook Live1. There will be a livestream of our normally scheduled Bible studies (Sun. 9:AM, Wed. 7:PM) and Lord’s day worship (Sun. 10:AM).
- Do not forsake the assembling of ourselves online. Join with fellow Christians just as you would at the building or hold family worship services in your home.
- Partake of the Lord’s Supper. Every worship livestream will mirror our normal services. We can all remember Jesus together at the same time. Use a cracker and grape juice, make your own bread, or swing by the building to pick up a few combo-cups.
- Continue to contribute on every first day of the week. Mail a check to the building or arrange for someone to pick up your gift2.
- Don’t stop believing and working. Trust in God, trust also in Jesus to guide, strengthen, and protect our church family through the Spirit during this present distress. Let’s check on each other. Our elderly may need medicine, groceries, or other items brought to their home. Since the immune-system compromised need to avoid public spaces, a young person running a few errands may be a life-saving event.
The trial livestream was an encouraging success. Treat our services the way you normally would. Ask questions and make comments during Bible class. Be reverent, joyful, and filled with the Spirit during worship. Pray, sing, and worship as you would if we were meeting at the building.
There are dangers in this upheaval. It can be easy for sheep to leave the pen and get lost without being seen. We must avoid this at all costs. Another concern is members who treat these changes like an eight-year-old boy with a pocket full of rocks and frogs with a creek calling his name, “Woo Hoo! No church!” A better way to respond is to say, “God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”-John 4:24. These words of Jesus were in answer to a question about where we should worship Jehovah. Jesus said, God is everywhere. Where you are is where you should worship. The day on which the Father raised the Son from the dead by his Spirit (Romans 1:4; 8:11) is when you should worship. The saints of God are with whom you should worship! No virus, quarantine, or economic collapse can change God’s will for his people.
Is any of this optimal? No. Is it important to keep ourselves spiritually fit? Yes. These steps are being taken to maintain the unity of the Spirit using the tools at our disposal. Let us remain united in love and service. It will be painful to be separated in the flesh, but we can remain joined in heart. Pray for our church, city, county, state, and nation. Maintain the life of the church. And when this storm has passed, we will have a worship service of inexpressible joy. Praise God!
1 Like our Facebook page. Type “North Second Street Church of Christ” into your FB search bar. https://www.facebook.com/North-Second-Street-Church-of-Christ-808243496194815/
2 There is a possibility we can give online. If we can make it work, it will be announced.
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